Sketchy McSketch Sketch: November and Moleskines
For those not in the parlance, a Moleskine is a particular kind of small journal, in my case the “storyboard” version.
For those not in the parlance, a Moleskine is a particular kind of small journal, in my case the “storyboard” version.
After the accident (there’s a thread around here somewhere for that), I’ve had a hard time getting my head back into art. To help get that moving again, I’m returning to posting some of the sketches I’ve been working on. As always, they vary quite wildly, even on the same Read more…
I should probably call this the Thursday sketch, since I’m only posting it now and it wasn’t finished until 2 in the morning.
Most people that know me outside of family (both of you, you know who you are) know me as an artist. But by day, and sometimes even at night, I am also a graphic designer. Sometimes that means signs, or books, or even logos, which is the topic for today. Read more…