Ink: Nightmare
Nightmare, based on the creature from The Twilight Zone film (Nightmare at 20,000 feet); ink and color ink wash, 5″ x 7″ on 140 lb. Cold Press.
Nightmare, based on the creature from The Twilight Zone film (Nightmare at 20,000 feet); ink and color ink wash, 5″ x 7″ on 140 lb. Cold Press.
While I was in Austin, Texas, for the World Horror Convention, I had a bit of time to kill before checking in. I decided to sketch some things first for projects that I have in play, and after that I decided to create another ink card. Now, the main motivation Read more…
The Devil’s Backbone, ink and color ink, 5″ x 7″ on 140 lb. Cold Press. Based on the character Santi from the film El espinazo del diablo (The Devil’s Backbone).
I decided I was getting too comfortable with my new inks, and I thought I’d try a new experiment. I think it’s important as an artist not to get too comfortable with what you are doing, as complacency can often lead to boring art. So, what I would tell all Read more…
Sometimes when I’m thinking of doing some art, I get a good idea going. Some concept, or some particular scene grabs me and I want to get art made of it. Today was no different, as I’d had an idea for another ink work based on some old noir films. Read more…
I decided that it might not be a bad idea to take a step back and look at the inks I’ve been working on. For those that haven’t been following (I know, I know, no one has been), I started doing ink cards and ink works late last year as Read more…
I decided that I should take a break from inking monsters, and try something that has less texture to it. Texture is fun with characters, but I want to challenge myself by working with images that don’t necessarily have a lot of texture in the important areas. Case in point, Read more…
London After Midnight, based on the Lon Chaney Sr. character. Ink, 5″ x 7″ on 140 lb. Cold Press.
Today has been an experiment in not only a larger format for an ink work, but also in the idea of not letting a problem in the art end the day. When I started doing art today, I just grabbed my 12″ x 18″ watercolor stock and went to work. Read more…
While I’m working on these ink cards, I’m trying a few different ideas out. Of course, one idea is purely commerce driven, I’m unemployed and selling things keeps food on the table. But artistically, there are a few things at play here. First, I’m trying to relearn what I knew Read more…
Ok, technically I’m not breaking a book. But I am being rude to it. Some time ago, I started getting an idea that it might be fun to take one of my contributor copies, of some of the books I’ve created art for, and add new ink art throughout. The Read more…
Phibes, based on the character from the “Dr. Phibes” films, played by Vincent Price. 5″ x 7″, 140 lb. cold press, inked.
I’ve been thinking of doing more monsters in ink, for sale while I’m a guest at VisionCon 2011. Here’s the newest one, one of the ghosts from The Devil’s Backbone. It’s like the previous ones, 5″ x 7″, ink, on 140 lb,. Cold Press. It has just a hint of Read more…