Fiction: The After-Death of McGill McGee
An original story by Russell Dickerson, The After-Death of McGill McGee explores overused tropes.
An original story by Russell Dickerson, The After-Death of McGill McGee explores overused tropes.
“It will save her life, right?” Marnie let the desperation in her question plead for her and her daughter Marisa. She sat on the floor, holding Marisa and hoping that this last resort would work. Dr. Jackson hesitated before he answered, trying to come up with a delicate answer. “The Read more…
“I’m telling you, it’s the Canites”, Marko said. He tore off his helmet, tossing it on the floor in front of his panel. “The prophets warned us! The reports from the other side said–” “Calm down!”, the magistrate said. “Remember your discipline, or I’ll have you run out of Read more…
The cool night air pushed tendrils of blood down her side, a tickle she’d never feel. She was lying over the windowsill, the broken glass still working its way into her flesh. She’d only been dead a few minutes, but the killer was long gone. He rabbited out Read more…
“I don’t know why they aren’t moving”, Michael said angrily. “Why can’t you just listen to me?” He looked around again at the frozen figures, defying any of them to move. But they wouldn’t, no matter how many times he pushed or hit them or screamed at the top Read more…
He opened his eyes, and remembered the sound of dying. It wasn’t a big crash, or a scream, or even a whimper. It was the steady sound of dripping, coming from behind him. Miles shook his head to loose the cobwebs inside. He had fallen asleep at his computer Read more…