Digital/Published: Fetal Position
Fetal Position;
Digital; story illustration for Fetal Position by Joel Arnold (Wicked Hollow Magazine #1)
Also featured in the Spectrum 9 annual
Spectrum coming up
Most years, when I can spare a little extra money, I try to enter a couple of competitions. First on the list is always the annual Spectrum competition, for the best of the current year’s fantasy/genre art. I was lucky enough to have been chosen for Spectrum 9 many years Read more…
Digital/Published: The Attic
The Attic;
Digital; cover of the published short comic The Attic by Russell Dickerson and Marc Shemmans (Horror Express)
The Golden Ratio or Fibonacci Spiral
Now, before we begin, let’s just say that my years of being an engineering student are way, WAY behind me. But I was looking at a couple of sites today that discussed the Golden Ratio or the Fibonacci Spiral, a quasi-magical scientific idea (let that roll around in your head Read more…
Two New Ink Cards
Over the busy weekend, I’ve still managed to create two new ink cards, both based on ancient stone sculptures. They are also both ink on 5″ x 7″ 140 lb. Cold Press paper. The first is a gargoyle, based on one that I have here in my office. I’m having Read more…
New art! Winter Holiday
I’ve had quite a few ideas lately, but between my last trip for the day job, looking for a new day job, and family concerns, I haven’t had much time to do artwork. I have a few things I’ll need to do for deadlines, especially a new ink piece and Read more…
Crowds and animation
For my current day job, I’ve been tasked (since 2005, when I started) with creating animations for our big conference/workshop. The animations played, with video, in front of the major sessions at the workshops, for between 700 and 1200 people at a time. They needed to accomplish several things from Read more…
Egads! I’ve been framed!
Man, that’s a terrible title. But it does, somehow, convey the idea that I’ve taken three each of my ink cards and framed/matted them together.
Ok, here’s what I really meant: The Im-Ho-Tep Ink Card
I think what I really wanted out of this, and indeed out of all of the still life/portrait/from-a-photo inks that I’ve been doing
New Ink Card: An Old Fight
I have an unfortunate tendency to abandon works of art, as I’m creating them, if they start going off track. I’m working on not doing that, but it’s built-in that if it starts looking like the piece won’t work as planned, I just give up and go do something else. Read more…
New Ink Card: London After Midnight
I decided that, for the gallery, I was going to take three famous “monster” actors and put an ink card for each in a frame, to sell at the gallery. I already have the Dr. Phibes that I did, and I wasn’t convinced that the Phantom of the Opera was Read more…
Tonight’s project: Framing the Painting
I needed to get my new painting, The Apotheosis of War, ready for the upcoming First Friday Gallery Walk. So, I set aside some time tonight to finish framing it.