I write for Colorado State University

I write for Source, CSU's news site, and specifically I write science and engineering articles. Check them out here.

Apex Magazine

I have written for Apex

Through 2019, and again from 2020-2022, I wrote artist interviews for Apex Magazine. See those articles on their website here.

The 13th Warrior

Intercultural Relationships and Film:
The 13th Warrior

To discuss The 13th Warrior, it is important to have a background of the origins of the film in both literature and history.


Original art is always better than a reproduction

The transcendent experience of seeing an original piece of art in a museum is substantially better than any reproduction could possibly be.

Crocodile Dundee

Stereotypes and Film: Crocodile Dundee

The three strongest of the stereotypes featured were the perceptions of 20th century Australians, the “fish out of water” trope, and the view of transgendered people at the time.

Figure 1: Fast growing STEM occupations; Bureau of Labor Statistics (n.d.)

Grant Proposal Sample

This grant proposal was developed through the coursework for my Bachelor of Science in Communications degree from Colorado State University.

Judith Beheading Holofernes, Artemisia Gentileschi

Misogyny and schadenfreude: 500 years of treating female artists badly

When I mentioned centuries, I wasn’t kidding. Take a look at this brilliant painting, done way back in the 1610’s

Perception of the visuals: the look and feel of noir

Black and white film, high contrast and almost always shot at night, even down to the particular clothes they wear, there are visual markers that tell you right off that this is a noir piece.

The Devil’s Footprints: Creating Oddities From The Mysterious

Yeah, I know, scary as hell. I just went and peeked out the window looking for snow, just in case such horrors repeated themselves here.

Why art is a profession, and should be treated as such

Whatever your profession is, the expectation at the end of the day is that you would receive payment for your work. The problem is that the creative arts aren’t seen always as professions.

I wrote these articles as a blogger for the much vaunted Apex Book Company, from 2010-2014. 

This Week's Art

All about the greatest images in the history of ever

This Week’s Art: Insignificance in Booth’s inks

After being in awe for the hour, after what was supposed to be a quick minute checking out just one piece for this article, I came to the realization that many of Franklin Booth's ink pieces show something magnificent. With his intricate linework, wonderful composition, and hectic scene, I find it hard to look away.